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I was recently at a Microsoft heavy tech conference and spoke to at least 50 .Net developers. Anyone who also did front end did so in Angular. I was surprised at how popular it is!

I work in the Danish public sector and we currently have 300 systems from various contractors. Almost all of them are moving toward a C#/JAVA api based backend and an Angular front. Only one of those systems uses Vue. None of them use React.

Outside the public sector React is a bit more popular, but it’s still mainly used outside of enterprise and Vue rarely sees any use.

The job-market doesn’t seem to follow the tech hype cycles much, at least not when you live in a country like mine.

I can confirm this for the Dutch public sector as well. I'm saying this as a longtime React contractor. There's some React contracts, but very few and no Vue that I know of.

Maybe just afraid to use tools developed by someone you don't know?

We're not doing .NET, however i suppose besides the fact that it uses TypeScript it is popular with MS developers, because it gives you a structure that allow to develop enterprise applications in larger teams.

If you know your application will have to be enterprise grade, will be large, will be developed by enterprise devs and has to be supported for years to come, Angular is still the definitive choice (IMHO). Mainly because it gives your team a clear structure to operate in combined with known concepts.

Well according to non-anecdotal measures, you're correct, it appears to be neck-n-neck with React:


MS Build? I was there too! Great conference.

This fact about Angular doesn't surprise me. It uses TypeScript which is a Microsoft joint, and the architecture feels rather similar to the MS standard MVVM. Two way data binding in the UI, a "code-behind" in the component. And TypeScript lends a sort-of C# flavor to the framework. It takes some "enterprise" and puts it in the front-end, which can help make the transition from ASP.NET MVC or whatever to Angular a bit easier (especially as compared to something like React).

If you're already doing .NET stuff, and you need enterprise-grade front ends, Angular seems like the natural choice still. One thing about Microsoft shops (of which my employer is one) is they tend to use Microsoft for everything, and despite Angular not actually being Microsoft, TypeScript makes it close enough. I'll be curious to see if the eventual production-ready release of client-side Blazor changes the dynamic at all.

The Stack Overflow developer survey showed that React and Angular are neck to neck so there's obviously a lot of people who use it.

However, you can see just how popular React is by number of npm packages that depend on it: https://github.com/facebook/react

In my experience (as a conference speaker) the people who recommend .NET and sell .NET consulting are often the same people who recommend Angular and do Angular consulting.

Both have a relatively high entry barrier compared to their alternatives (though lower than a few years ago).

I do enterprise Java and .NET consulting, in what concerns Web frontends, if we use a SPA framework, it is most likely Angular.

If we are using just a couple of WebComponents with traditional server side rendering, then Vue.

That doesn't really surprise me as Angular uses TypeScript.

Meanwhile Microsoft is porting all of Office to React and have released React Native for Windows.

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