Agreed. For those of us using VMs, the extra cache in each package is enough for the working set of the systemd we are obligd to run in each VM.
Looking back to the 8M total RAM I had on a Mac SE/30, running A/UX Unix and a MacOS GUI comfortably, the sloppiness of modern productions is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
What galls is not the wasteful extravagance. It's the failure of imagination that makes such meager, pitiable use of such extravagance. We make, of titanium airframes and turbojet engines, oxcarts.
Agree with both the comment above, but do we really have a solution?
It is a trade off between Cross Platform, time to market and development resources. And unlike any other scientific and engineering industry, Software Development doesn't even agree on a few industry standards, instead everything is hyped up every 2 years and something new come around and becomes a new "standard". And we keep wasting resources reinventing the flat tire.
Looking back to the 8M total RAM I had on a Mac SE/30, running A/UX Unix and a MacOS GUI comfortably, the sloppiness of modern productions is a disgrace and an embarrassment.
What galls is not the wasteful extravagance. It's the failure of imagination that makes such meager, pitiable use of such extravagance. We make, of titanium airframes and turbojet engines, oxcarts.