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> I don't have a concrete answer to "how do I not die"

Michael Greger, MD does: How Not to Die [0]. Basically, to save you from reading the book, go vegan. He has a great cookbook too based on the advice in the book [1]. His nutritionfacts.org site in general is an excellent, science/fact-based resource.

[0] https://nutritionfacts.org/book/

[1] https://nutritionfacts.org/cookbook/

Except that as a vegan you will need to take supplements in order to fill many of the nutrient gaps in the diet.

Very noble diet/ethos for many reasons, but it is not optimized for nutrition, it's optimized for other goals.

Any diet will have “nutrient gaps”. Virtually anyone regardless of diet would benefit from magnesium, vitamin D, and a good probiotic.

Also, EPA/DHA is really powerful stuff.

Not so. A person can get a complete range of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals by eating a balanced and varied diet (which includes plants and animal foods).

Some diets, including a standard american diet but especially exclusionary diets like vegan, vegetarian, keto, carnivore/paleo diets can have major nutrient gaps. Those types of diets require careful planning of meals and/or supplementation to address gaps.

Magnesium isn't hard to get. Vitamin D and EPA/DHA are easy to get if you eat animal foods (esp fatty fish, liver, cheese and eggs).

Probiotics is a vague category and hasn't been shown to be necessary in a diet. Medical science understands so little about the gut-biome that you should be extremely suspicious of anyone claiming to be an expert. The advice usually boils down to general platitudes like,"Fermented foods and fiber feed our gut bacteria and is good for overall gut health." without defining what any of that means or how it works. I guess other animals/omnivores that don't eat fermented foods or fiber must really be undercutting their lifespan potential.

Why are you spamming this thread by posting biased sources? Michael Greger is a vegan, and is not exactly unbiased.


If you want to see what the term "skinny fat" means, I invite you to look at the hard-core vegans, especially the fruitarians and others who look like their lifeforce is slowly draining away.

It's a shame from a nutrition standpoint, but veganism is NOT a diet for optimal nutrition. It is an interesting diet from an ethics standpoint, I grant them that. And despite the long-term wasting away effects, veganism is superior to a standard american diet loaded with sugar, heavily processed carbs and vegetable/seed oils.

To be honest, the guy looks like he's physically wasting away before our very eyes.

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