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What's worked well for me so far:

- Watch 1 or 2 Udemy videos for the basics and easy feet wetting (I suggest Traversy/Colt Steele/Maximillian)

- Begin a small application, only use documentation on language, framework, or library you're using. I.E if you're using React rely on stack overflow and React documentation for help.

- css-tricks.com (I suggest their flex box and css grid documentation)

- Use land-book.com/Dribbble/collectUI/unDraw/ManyPixels for web app UI/UX ideas (these are top notch apps to emulate. If you can emulate them then you're doing good.)

This way you fall out of the ever so easy tutorial purgatory so many self taught devs find themselves in nowadays. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and you will learn. This is just the beginning :) took me a year and a half to find these resources, but I hope these resources help expedite your learning to the next level

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