I have been doing it for a long time, the hardest for me is all the registered users I have around the web linked to the email. After a few years of changing each one that mattered I finally get close to zero mail on gmail.
Search I moved to ddg, that was the easy one.
Android can work fine with just f-droid since I noticed I rarely even use the store any more and I need just a few essential apps. For storage, I tend to store only documents and I like to use mega.nz.
The only thing I haven't managed to find a even close to decent alternative it's photos. Google Photos is just simply too good. I would be even willing to pay but really, all the other apps struggle to get sync right or have some other crappy stuff that makes them barely usable.
As I wrote that comment I went on another small search as I do every so often and I found Canon Irista and I have to say, I am impressed. The sync seems to work fine, it's pretty fast and the UI both of the website and the app is pretty solid. I suggest giving it a try if you are on the lookout for a new photo hosting service.
The only thing I haven't managed to find a even close to decent alternative it's photos. Google Photos is just simply too good. I would be even willing to pay but really, all the other apps struggle to get sync right or have some other crappy stuff that makes them barely usable.