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getElementById() is perfectly allowable under Rust's rules, though it may not look like what you expect (and to be fair Rust doesn't make it easy to write today).

The most straightforward way to get it working would be to return a `&Element` (or `Rc<Element>` if you like), and make all of `Element`'s fields `Cell`s. No panics, no runtime checks, and you can do everything JS can do. The cost is "infecting" the type definitions with `Cell<T>` and the usage with `.get`/`.set`, and the loss of what is normally rich pointer aliasing information for the optimizer (but which other languages don't have to begin with).

The reason Rust `&mut` feels so restrictive is that it allows you to change the "shape" of the object, thus invalidating (if they existed) any other references into it- replace an enum value with a new variant, reallocate a `Vec`, overwrite a `Box`, etc. But in other memory-safe languages you can't do any of those things. Instead any "shape changing" is done by allocating a new GC'd value and overwriting a pointer- enums are boxed (or don't allow interior pointers), arrays only contain primitives or pointers, etc.

So I like to think of `&Cell<T>` as a kind of third reference mode, that matches what people expect from other languages. It's not fun to use today, but there are a couple of language additions that could make it much, much nicer:

* First, field projection- given a type `struct S { x: T }` and a value `r: &Cell<S>`, let `r.x: Cell<T>`. This is safe as you can't invalidate `&r.x` by overwriting `r`- but by extension you can't project a reference through a `Cell` into an enum or `Vec` (just like other languages as described above).

* Second, some syntactic sugar for reading and writing. Replace `cell.get()` and `cell.set(x)` with `cell` and `cell = x`. Given that `Cell` has zero overhead (other than the loss of optimizations described above) this shouldn't be an issue.

The more idiomatic way would be to return an Rc<RefCell<Element>>.

Accessing it will indeed panic if someone else has an active mutable reference to the contents of the refcell, but the idea is that you should only keep that for the section of code that actually modifies the object.

The reason this feature exists is that it prevents code observing partially modified objects that could be temporarily missing required invariants (in addition to preventing mutating object with references to parts of them which can result in dangling pointers and thus memory unsafety).

You can also use Cell as the parent argues with the benefit of never failing, but then you don't get protection from recursive calls exposing violated invariants and you need to change the implementation of Element itself.

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