I am a corporate drone and not a programmer, but anyways; I sell computer chips on the Craigslist of my home country. Mostly Intel CPUs, genuine and not engineering samples. Wherever eBay can't reach due to import tolls, there is a market. Profits are at around 30% margin. It feels fun and does not feel like work. It has helped me save up to some nice vacations. Going to Japan in the summer. This activity is somewhat inspired by threads such as these on HackerNews.
==> This activity is somewhat inspired by threads such as these on HackerNews.
I am reading all these comments with joy. I picked up options trading as a side gig, it works sometimes, it does not work some time. I am satisfied with it, but reading this thread made me wonder if I should not try something "real".
If there are other similar threads, please do link to them. This Sunday will then be productive :)
A friend of mine used to work at a junkyard. People would bring in old computers all the time and he could buy working parts from the company by the pound (literally). He made a lot on the side selling them online to people who needed spare parts that were no longer in production.