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My experience with dealing with lot's of legacy app and infrastructure is to take a step by step a pragmatical approach.

Identify all the pain points of the current solution, tools and processes. For all those pain points take time to discuss with all the people involved to have a good understanding of the issue. Something you see as really bad might not be as problematic as you thought, some other things you might not have seen migth be worthwhile to look at. Don't do anything before having involved the impacted people otherwise, however good your idea is, you might face rejection.

Be also pragmatic. The end result needs to be more efficiency and, hopefully, people more happy when doing their job. If the main issue is the learning curve, maybe before fixing the actual model, look if the current one require better documentation.

If it is code duplication, look if there's way to share code and knowledge without the need to change the whole underlying data model.

By doing so you can gain trust with few quick but efficient and time saving changes. This will prove that you know what you're doing and that you're not asking for investment just for the sake of technical beauty. Then you'll be able to talk about bigger changes

Usually I also found that not jumping directly into the big technical overhaul and focusing on small changes ends up showing issues that were hidden in the first place or help to foresee a better solution that works for everybody. For example, by sharing code between data scientists you might end up seeing some technical requirements that you wouldn't have thought about. By writing documentation, you might end up seeing some constraints or some way to improve the way data is stored that you wouldn't have thought about.

Don't jump on a technical choice right now, make sure you have a good vision on where to go first and a good understanding on how it will fit in the company processes.

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