Woah wait a minute, Craigslist is definitely commercial, they charge to make posts about certain subjects like employment and housing in certain cities. Now granted it's not super high growth but consider this:
> Last year, Craigslist took in upwards of $690 million in revenue, most of which is net profit, according to an estimate by the AIM Group, an Altamonte Springs, Florida-based research firm. Based on valuations of comparable publicly traded companies including eBay EBAY +0%, Forbes conservatively estimates that Craigslist is worth at least $3 billion. That makes Newmark, 64, who owns at least 42% of the company, worth at least $1.3 billion.
> Last year, Craigslist took in upwards of $690 million in revenue, most of which is net profit, according to an estimate by the AIM Group, an Altamonte Springs, Florida-based research firm. Based on valuations of comparable publicly traded companies including eBay EBAY +0%, Forbes conservatively estimates that Craigslist is worth at least $3 billion. That makes Newmark, 64, who owns at least 42% of the company, worth at least $1.3 billion.