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Oh, wow. This is pretty cool. I've got some fairly oddball 5 1/4" disks from the 1980's that I'd like to try to preserve, and this looks like it would do the job. I'll echo what another comment says-- the store URL isn't resolving. I'd love to purchase one of these units.

I thought about using Kryoflux in the past, but their licensing is a complete non-starter for me. I'm not going to purchase hardware and license software that limit what I am allowed to do with it.

Unfortunately I don't sell the ready-made units any more -- they're just not cost-effective to sell like that at a price the market will bear.

I want to do a redesign with more cost-effective components (an STM32 Nucleo and a shield or Morpho backpack is one idea I'm considering).

I do have some PCBs left over, a bill of materials and can give you some guidance with part substitutions if you want to DIY one. Feel free to drop me a note on Twitter (@philpem), Mastodon (https://mastodon.social/@m0ofx) or email (via www.philpem.me.uk) if you're interested.

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