Oooooh. Good point. Currently, I have header (which has the post title, and date) nested in article, nested in main. Nesting the header inside the article makes sense to me, but you're (and other people on the internet/s.o., as I am now seeing) suggesting that header should be outside main.
I agree, and making those changes would mean I can switch from main to body in my css. The main complaint I have is then article and main seems redundant. What are your suggestions? Semantic HTML5 is hard :(
An earlier screen-reader discussion suggested that <main> is of interest to screen-reader users. I presume that's because it generally doesn't repeat navigation that exists on every page.
From my understanding, a document can have a header, footer, and/or multiple articles[0], with each article potentially having a header/footer specific to the article[1]. Presumably, the article(s) should be contained in a <main>.
The semantics are only suggestions, not hard and fast rules.
If you aren't adding top nav sections or site-wide footers, your current approach is fine.
If you do want to experiment with those, you'll find the (correctly-constrained!) body content looks funny with copyright footers floating in space somewhere to the left or right of the main text.
I agree, and making those changes would mean I can switch from main to body in my css. The main complaint I have is then article and main seems redundant. What are your suggestions? Semantic HTML5 is hard :(