Haha, what are you trying to say, my friend? Are you saying that you are unaware of the current practices in meat mass-production?
Because if you need a reminder, here is one link [1] and here is another. [2]
Can you honestly have any argument against the fact that 99% of the meat and dairy you buy on the market has been in some way altered or modified?
Not to mention that a lot of this product comes out enzyme-less by default, and by adding the factor if cooking it's just that much worse. Your body needs enzymes to process food, and if they're not there, you are literally dropping atomic bombs in your stomach that slow down your entire system. [3]
I'm not trying to be hypocritical either. I grew up on meat and dairy. But somehow the transition away from it came naturally to me, many, many years ago.
I lived near local farms for most of my life, and even the local farmers (in a "remote" part of the world) have started to use additive injections and questionable food choices because there is serious competition.
And I understand your point of view. You think I come off sounding insensitive, but I am more than happy to talk facts and lay down some examples. Because, after all, that's what HN loves the most.
Way to personify the smug elistist diet. Lower and middle class blue collar worker arent walking around talking about their ‘addiction’ to diary and meat.
Having a diet of single origin seaweed and small batch imported beans is a very nice luxary that is not for everyone. I’m glad you’ve found another way to be better than “those people”.
Intersting how global climate change is happily used as a wedge against individuals so readily.
I see what you are saying. But it's simply not true. Seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and grains come in many different varieties. And most are very affordable.
I think the bigger issues is that people don't want to look like birds while nibbling away on a bowl of pineapple rice pudding with chia seeds.
I eat cooked food once or twice a week. Buckwheat and lentils (extremely cheap!) are my preferred choice. I can get a 2lb bag of soy protein with essential amino acids for exercise diet. Ohh, tempeh, tofu, Kimchi? Yeah man... soo elitist.
If you want I can go on. I have many years of experience and live a paycheck lifestyle.