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[flagged] Tesla Will Demonstrate Full Self-Driving Capabilities This Month (tesla.com)
10 points by sahin on April 4, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

The original article title is somewhat less clickbait: "Introducing a More Seamless Navigate on Autopilot"

It also seems fully wrong as far as I can tell - Telsa will not demo full self driving this month and have not said they will. Unless I missed something?

Too true, @dang would you mind updating the title please? This couldn't be more clickbait if he tried.

Given recently revealed vulnerabilities to the Tesla autopilot [1],for example, the adversarial markers that can cause the car to change lane, is it responsible for Tesla to go even further toward self driving without some way to mitigate such vulnerabilities first?

[1] https://keenlab.tencent.com/en/2019/03/29/Tencent-Keen-Secur...

The driver is required to keep their hands on the wheel and be ready to take over control in a split second, have you missed the memo? /s

The current development state of AP would make a nice MS thesis on a quality university, but is at least a decade from production; that is if the cameras-only-based concept works at all.

Just a demo of marginal improvements to juice investors, no true demonstration of a major technological advance. Where is the coast2coast demo?

Coast to cost is a classic early Elon musk promise but this one is a great step too

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