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It's not so much "offended" as the fact that I do not like what developer culture has become.

Speaking up about it seems to be a small way to create some change in that culture.

If I keep quiet, then the hive-minded sausage-fest will march on, assuming I share its beliefs.

On the other hand, speaking up about it really is just tilting at windmills, and incredibly frustrating each time.

It's not so much "offended" as the fact that I do not like what developer culture has become.

Yeah, it always breaks my heart when I hear the horror stories from female hackers. For every well-publicized groping at a conference or porn-filled slide deck, there's a dozen female hackers who stay silent or just complain to friends.

A weird fact: Decent, non-sexist guys have much less data about what goes on than either female hackers or sexist jerks. There's some sort of protocol the sexist jerks use to identify each other, and they generally don't act out unless they think they're among either friends, or targets.

Are you going to make the fashion world more welcoming of straight males as well?

If I were in the fashion world and felt that was an issue, why not?

I'm not a fucking wallflower.

I think you missed the point.

It's not that the fashion world is not welcoming of straight men, it's that most straight men don't care about being in the fashion world.

It doesn't matter.

If the fashion world were shitting all over straight men, it would be wrong whether it was one straight guy looking to make it as a designer or a hundred thousand.

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