Not as good as google, but it still makes sense to make it (or something else) your default search engine for those 99% of times it actually works just fine.
But it doesn't work fine 99%. I tried to find a short story I read awhile ago, so I DDG'ed for "Berryman Parrot".
DDG helpfully suggests a bunch of unrelated videos - a Coldplay video, a Tyler, The Creator sketch from the Eric Andrew show, and something about a C-line fencing tool. The actual search results are vaguely related, since the first one is a youtube video about birds with someone named Berryman in the description. The next one is a bird rescue, and the third appears to be some sort of etsy shop.
Compare to Google. The first result is the Wikipedia entry for the exact story I was searching for. The second result is the full published story. The third is a related story set in the same universe. Google then shows me some image results, and bam, the second one is actually related to the short story!
I use DDG as my main engine and I find that to be true. Unfortunately even Google's become pretty bad, I never know when it's going to ignore one word of my two-word query.
I often find DDG will even ignore quoted terms altogether. It was really good for a while, but it has gone downhill and now I need to open Google a few times a day.
I can replaces search, i use DDG as default, I have simple shortcut to google.
But I use gmail, google docs, Android with many google integrations. I could find alternatives, but really not as good. And mostly it would be just another company, where I'm not sure I can trust either.
Local and self-hosted options are just really not good enough. For example in MS Excel, I can't load actual currency tickers, or share it simply.
I also use Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. If I don't I'll just have no voice.
I tried using DDG for a long time, but it's just _terrible_ for technical queries.