I forgot about the operating systems - we did have that one too. It's split into two semesters, of which only the first is mandatory. We did all the synchronization techniques, page replacement, scheduling, memory management and general structure with assignments being coding on the Windows Research Kernel (which is surprisingly well written). I think the second semester talked more about file systems, but I didn't take that.
I agree that group projects can be really annoying, the main point seem to be the "random students". Over time (and projects) I found a group of people I could work and have fun with very well, so late night shifts weren't as annoying as they could otherwise have been.
I agree that group projects can be really annoying, the main point seem to be the "random students". Over time (and projects) I found a group of people I could work and have fun with very well, so late night shifts weren't as annoying as they could otherwise have been.