>there are plenty of situations where that better dev gets paid less. salary transparency will address that
Plenty of situations? Where? Documented somewhere, I should hope, yeah?
Is that better dev from a subjective or an objective perspective?
The reason that I ask is because one dev can think that they're better than another and believe that they should be paid more but that could very well be the fault of fevered ego and not, necessarily, a reflection of reality, yeah?
Also, salary transparency wouldn't actually address anything. It would be a tool to address the salary issue with management and management (plus, HR) would address it, yeah?
"Also, salary transparency wouldn't actually address anything. It would be a tool to address the salary issue with management and management (plus, HR) would address it, yeah?"
The first step to address issues is to gather relevant data so an informed decision can be made. right now we have only very incomplete data.