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Readable to me, and I assume most other Java programmers. Here's an example I recently came across [0]:

Option A:

  static <X, Y, Z> Map<X, Z> transform(Map<? extends X, ? extends Y> input,
    Function<Y, Z> function) {
      return input.keySet().stream()
                                    key -> function.apply(input.get(key))));
Option B:

  static <X, Y, Z> Map<X, Z> transform1(Map<? extends X, ? extends Y> input,
    Function<Y, Z> function) {
      Map<X, Z> result = new HashMap<>();
      input.forEach((k, v) -> result.put(k, function.apply(v)));
      return result;

Personally I find Option B more readable. Another example:

Option A:

  protected boolean isCashBasis(CalendarDate effectiveDate) {
    return priorVatReturns.stream()
      .filter(r -> r.period.contains(effectiveDate))
      .map(r -> r.basis == AccountingBasis.CASH_BASIS)
      .orElseGet(() -> super.isCashBasis(effectiveDate));
Option B:

  protected boolean isCashBasis(CalendarDate effectiveDate) {
    for (VatReturn r : priorVatReturns) {
      if (r.period.contains(effectiveDate)) {
        return r.basis == AccountingBasis.CASH_BASIS;
    return super.isCashBasis(effectiveDate);
Again I would choose Option B, although I suppose Option A isn't too bad.

[0] https://stackoverflow.com/a/25905196/76295

everytime I use generic statically typed oop I can't stop thinking about clojure or ml languages.. The amount of noise is deafening.

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