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I'm not sure how FOAF and SSL could be used in themselves? FOAF is fine for storing social contact information, for sure, and SSL is a handy security layer. But while they could be used in an access control mechanism, they don't constitute one.

(Is FOAF actually still used anywhere?)


"FOAF+SSL is a secure authentication protocol that enables the building of distributed, open and secure social networks: the Social Web. We are just in the process of starting the formal standardisation process."

This is based on client certificates and thus is doomed by terrible browser UIs.

Thank you. Did not know about it before. Finally something open is going to replace Facebook & Co. Good ui/ux is also guaranteed as this will be the new space for browsers to compete on.

It needs people to implement it though... one of the guys involved is willing to help people do this. Just contact Henry Story if you're interested in learning more: http://bblfish.net/

I've actually spoken to Henry about it, and seen him demonstrate it together with WebID. The problem is, it's really technical right now; without input and UI support from the browser vendors, it's going to be out of reach for most casual web users.

Why not contacting someone directly from Mozilla or Google? They should both 'adopt' it in no time. Also I have seen zero coverage of it until now.

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