This would be a lot more honest, albeit less sensational, if the author said that they can’t stand the NYT, rather than hiding behind “The Left”. Beyond that it comes off as a kind of confused and incidental concern trolling.
>The New York Times compulsively analyzes and scrutinizes everything Trump ad nauseam because it pays the bills by cultivating an audience, flattering them, and keeping them stimulated.
This coming from a self labeled Socialist. I think she has some other good points about the paper losing its status in the WH, obviously, and now makes its money by going as negative as their readership will take while ignoring the effects NAFTA and Welfare reform and other measures implemented by Clinton had on middle America. In other words, they care little about most people, but their audience.
In other words, the paper doesn’t deserve thd lofty status it hold because it’s no better than any other politically inclined news outlet.