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Introducing the Wealthfront Cash Account (wealthfront.com)
21 points by tzhenghao on Feb 14, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Definitely very appealing to anyone who already has money in wealthfront and can live with there money potentially not being accessible for 1-3 days. Its crazy how little the banks offer. My current bank gave my account a special status after maintaining a high account balance for a few months. The benefits I gained are slightly better deals on services at the bank (ex 25% extra cash back, or some small percentage off a new mortgage interest rate). In comparison, the return I would get on the amount if I put it in any 2%+ savings account is far more. Doesn't look like my bank will be keeping that money for long.

Marcus by Goldman Sachs is offering 2.25% on its High Yield savings accounts, if you can't get into wealthfront. I've been pretty satisfied with the offering.

Ally Bank has 2.2% For slightly higher yields, Vanguard has VMMXX. It is a money market fund and not FDIC insured, however.

Here is to hoping this pushes Betterment to offer the same. FDIC and 2%+.

Betterment has had a similar feature called Smart Saver (https://www.betterment.com/smart-saver/), which offers 2.23%, but is not FDIC insured.

There is still volatility, even though they are bonds it's a bit different from a straight cash account that Wealthfront offers. I've used SS and it's been lackluster.

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