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Ask HN: Experiences with Purism's PureOS?
3 points by smacktoward on Feb 14, 2019 | hide | past | favorite
I'm considering buying a new work laptop, and wondering if any HN readers have experience using PureOS (https://pureos.net/), the Linux distribution that Purism ships installed on its Librem laptops. I like Purism on general principle, but they make some big claims for the security and privacy of PureOS, and I'm not certain how thoroughly a Linux distribution from a small company whose primary focus is hardware can deliver on those claims. And then there's the usual questions of "fit and finish" as well -- does it feel like a cohesive product, or like just one more spin of Debian plus GNOME?

(I normally run Ubuntu on my workstations, including my laptop, if that helps position where I coming from.)

I'd love to hear any real-world experiences readers have had with PureOS, either on Librem hardware or otherwise. Thanks!

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