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"data is data, it's either valid, or it's not. That's why the schema is about the data, not about the app."

This is not true.

The objective of the overall app/system (i.e. front/back/middle/DB/storage/services etc.) is to carry out some kind of business logic. A DB schema cannot fully validate stored data against the logic.

Otherwise we wouldn't write backend code, we'd just write a bunch of schemas and be done with it.

Let's use a crude example: a password. (Of course, we would never in reality store a password as a string in the clear, but just as an example ...). When a user sets a new password, we have to validate that it meets specific requirements in terms of format, and then some others rules which are more complicated such as: "can't be the same password as the last 5".

Those 'password rules', for example, cannot be encapsulated in the schema of the DB and yet must be applied in order for the data to be 'valid' from the perspective of the app, or 'overall system'.

The DB may only care that it's UTF and max 20 chars. But the system requires more validation than that.

Re: Your statement about 'one app writing data, and the other app not knowing what to do with it'. This is not true, because all apps operating on such data must understand it data in the context of business/logic context in which it was designed. Even 3rd party users of such data, via API's, must understand this data from the level of business logic - not merely 'schema validation'.

When you query data from Google Geolocation, the 'city' field may be a valid string of a certain length, but that's not very useful: it must actually be the name of a city! Any 'app' using this data must operate with the explicit understanding that this is in fact the name of a city - and not just a string that met a DB schema validation requirement.

>A DB schema cannot fully validate stored data against the logic.

Postgres actually lets you run triggers and similar that can validate data arbitrarily. You can even do web requests with the right extension.

If that is not enough, you can run Python code in your database instead and do the same thing with a slightly more powerful language for general purpose computation.

You could write the entire logic of any business app in a PG database and only use the app as a shiny view layer.

> The DB may only care that it's UTF and max 20 chars. But the system requires more validation than that.

Are you familiar with SQL constraints, triggers, user-defined functions, stored procedures?..

Yes + Postgres has Domains which are very nice, especially if you use only Functions for data insert (which i do) This gives you more granularity, than a domain on a Column. Domians are like Dependent Types, offering very fine grained control, enforced by RegEx, functions, enums, even lookup functions are ok so long as lookup tables are stable.

lmao, “my schema is my app layer”.

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