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The original Starseige:TRIBES let you play with up to 128 players. It was okay on dialup but my 10down/1up cable connection gave me consistent pings under 30. That was in 1999.

Indeed. Thinking about Battlefield 1942, there were servers with 128 players, lots of vehicles and it ran perfectly fine.

Guess most people just did not experience games like these the way we both did.

Ahead of it's time I guess... Internet and gaming weren't enough of a thing back then for anything exorbitant.

It must have done well because I heard of it despite never playing it.

Yup, that or my personal favorite Subspace where you had a couple hundred players on 56k and everything was pretty snappy.

Subspace:Continuum ate up SO much of my time in middle school, I think it was my first experience with online gaming. Great times.

You can still download it to this day: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=14491...

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