I watch (and read) a huge amount of entrepreneur/startups/business-related media. Videos, articles, interviews, how-to-guides, etc. from a variety of sources. Seeing that I'm in the process of starting a tech startup, I'm just trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible.
It's all great stuff, but I'm having a tough time keeping track of it all. My delicious account has hundreds of pages bookmarked, and while it's easy to access them, I forget most of the articles after reading them. Which leads me to re-read them a few weeks later. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum. Obviously this isn't working very well.
So, what's the best way to keep track of / distill all of this information that is bombarding a self-taught wannabe-entrepreneur? Do you just write down major points? Cornell method of note-taking? I'm all ears.