This is a little bit of a follow-on from a recent post about hired writers for various educational essays. Link:
So, does anyone have any tips on how to produce great quality academic writing?
And no, cheating is not an option.
In order to discuss this fully, it is first necessary to define the terms. The word 'Academia' may have a wide range of interpretations and it is important to distinguish in which sense we are discussing it. For this discussion, we shall take it to mean formal study at graduate level or beyond.
As can be seen from the introduction, it is this author's belief that an academic reply should begin with a short preliminary sentence framing the topic in general, followed by a brief discussion of what the essay will contain.
Following this, the discourse should flow from point to point, with joining phrases such as "following this" to link paragraphs. Generally, points should be kept short, building on each other in small increments.
In this way, an academic writer can slowly expose the reader to their argument, without having their submission feel too heavy going.
Notice also that the previous paragraph was essentially filler, merely recapping the previous points, and drawing out a conclusion for the reader. By spelling out the conclusions throughout the text, the reader has to concentrate less, and will take on board the argument more easily.
To conclude, writing academically is a combination of concise points repeated in different ways for effect, statements of the conclusions throughout the essay in order to make the reader comfortable, and several other tactics, not least of which is the repetition of phrases from the title such as "academic writing" to remind the marker that you're answering the question. Finally, you can leave the essay on a slight tangent to 'wrap up', for example: It is this author's wish that this work may have contributed in some small way to the worthy goal of improving academic writing.