Some context around Papin and his boat from wikipedia[1] for those interested:
> In 1705 he developed a second steam engine with the help of Gottfried Leibniz, based on an invention by Thomas Savery, but this used steam pressure rather than atmospheric pressure. Details of the engine were published in 1707.
> Papin returned to London in 1707, leaving his wife in Germany. Several of his papers were put before the Royal Society between 1707 and 1712 without acknowledging or paying him, about which he complained bitterly. Papin's ideas included a description of his 1690 atmospheric steam engine, similar to that built and put into use by Thomas Newcomen in 1712, thought to be the year of Papin's death.
"A proposall was read by Dr. Papin concerning
a new invented [deleted] to be row'd with oars mov'd
by heat. The farther consideration of It was also referred to ye. next meeting.
A letter was read from Mr. Leibnitz concerning
Mr. Papin & this new boat."