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Ungrey bookmarklet for HN
3 points by yesenadam on Jan 19, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Changes all grey comments to black.

Maybe this is obvious, or there's an existing quick tool for this, but I've tried so many times to read super-light grey text, with no instant way at hand of making it readable. I would've loved this had someone else posted it, so.. Enjoy!

  javascript:(function(){var i,x=document.querySelectorAll(".commtext");for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) x[i].className='commtext c00'})();
How to bookmarklet: Save it as a bookmark URL called 'ungrey', then drag it to the bookmarks bar, or make a key shortcut.

(thanks to bjourne for asking and skylark for answering - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18940063 . I have old browser, so modified skylark's answer.)

Hmm this is totally disappeared off the Ask list after only 3 hours..(or less, I didnt check until now) No idea why. There are other things 1 day old with 1 point and no comments, still on the list.

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