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What about the $1.7 billion in cash Obama gave to Iran??

You didn't provide a link. Is that what you're referring to?


Synopsis: In 1979 Iran entered into a deal to purchase arms from the United States. Then Iran had a power change and the United States reneged on the deal but kept the $400 million payment. Eventually the United States and Iran negotiated a return of the money for slightly more than an inflation adjusted value, around $1700 million.

Opinion: From Iran's point of view, this was an extraordinarily risky "investment". If the money had been in the DJIA it would have appreciated to $29000 million and been at less risk. Discharging the obligation for only $1700 million seems like a huge negotiating win for the US.

politifact.com = biased liberal site. Can't be trusted.

Please provide your trusted source then.

You mean the cash that belonged to the Iranians that the US had frozen?

Well, since cumulative foreign aid to Afghanistan in the article is pegged at $103B, that would be 80 days per Afghan household, instead of 14 years.

This article is pointing a finger at the United States. Why are you pointing only at Obama?

Why did it have to be cash? Why pointing at Obama only? Same reason everyone always points their finger at Trump/Clinton/etc. Goes both ways. Blaming the admin, not the person.



>According to knowledgeable sources, Iran has used the funds to pay its main proxy, the Lebanon-based terrorist group Hezbollah, along with the Quds Force, Iran’s main foreign intelligence and covert action arm and element of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Or the fact Obama let Hezbollah off the hook. But its okay right? https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/obama-hezbollah-d...

Do you want to even bring up the fact that Obama traded Bowe Bergdahl for terrorists who then rejoins the Taliban.


>Government Accountability Office (GAO), determined that the president broke a “clear and unambiguous” law when he traded the high-level terrorists for Bergdahl, who went AWOL in Afghanistan in 2009.

I dont care how much you goons down vote me. Proves y'all are a sensitive bunch that are completely clueless of the facts. Please correct me where I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

What about Benghazi??????

> What about the $1.7 billion in cash Obama gave to Iran??

The trouble with playing `whataboutism` political arguments is that nothing gets really resolved. What about what Abraham Lincon did ..... how historic and how obtuse do we need to be, to avoid focusing on current and future problems.

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