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+1 for physical notebooks. I still do this. I still make notes on my laptop but most everything is still on paper!

It gives me something to show my kids someday.

I'm sure this won't be the case for everyone but something about being on the computer all the time, using it for official work tasks and so many personal mundane tasks seems to take away from my seriousness and memory retention when I'm trying to do creative organization outside of work time (since work stuff is by nature more structured and stratified into departments and projects it sorta helps to organize itself before I have to really put thought into it).

That's where I find using a physical notebook better.

Sometime I do is write everything out in pencil first and then I make sure to re-read it. That gives me a chance to make quick changes / fixes and then more importantly it allows me to go back with a pen when I'm done to write over / highlight headings, keywords, key snippets, and key bullet points while also being able to add things like stars next to important items, arrows to connected items, and other things that I possibly forgot to jot down or couldn't finish once I have the clarity of the entire ordeal's organization jotted down in one place.

This helps me commit things to memory much better and something about having a hand written hard copy feels like I actually did some "official work" on a side project / personal organization / preparation project.

Yes, for me physical notebooks are the best solution as well. A notebook and a pen goes everywhere with me (e.g. I don't leave it in the office). It's not that inconvenient. No battery to keep charged, worrying about breaking the screen, etc.

For the rare occasions I don't happen to have it at hand, it's easy to scavenge a scrap of paper to scribble things down and then later glue into the notebook.

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