Why is this being posted? Article is 30 years old and even then the headline result was qualified with statements like "Dr. Kirby Hanson, the meteorologist who led the study, said in a telephone interview that the findings concerning the United States do not necessarily ''cast doubt'' on previous findings of a worldwide trend toward warmer temperatures."
The study seems of have been on data specific to USA of that particular period & it self states that it doesn't relate to the world wide data.
By early 20th century, scientists were in consensus on the effect of coal pollution on climate & have even written warnings for the future[1] as early as 1912.
NY Times needs to get their mobile shit together. After the article reformatted itself six times, including more than one change of font size and the right half of the page going blank and reappearing, the page still had not finished rendering. I'm not waiting a minute for my browser to render your damn site.
What we need is more hybrid SUVs. We need more celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio, 'I will fly myself and my friends around the world in private jets to fight climate change, even on just one-day trips.' We need more endless wars and corrupt climate bureaucracies. Most of all, we need a society where health expectancy is declining, suicide rates increasing, and reliance on status and happiness is tied to the global overconsumption of stuff we dont even need to impress people we dont even like, in order to empower corporations and governments we despise. This is obviously sarcasm.