Yes, I think you could know "all of" of JavaScript in 2009, in the ES5 era. Does anyone even remember that anymore? I'm shocked at how much the language has changed.
I was experimenting with server-side JS in 2009, before node.js was released, and I hacked on Brendan Eich's Narcissus interpreter, which gave me a good sense of the language.
Now when I look at example JavaScript code on the web, I invariably find something foreign. I'm not saying it's bad -- just foreign for somebody who uses the language only occasionally.
I don't believe JS should be a language only for "full-time JS programmers". I use 3 or 4 other languages regularly, so it's not nice when one language wants to hog my mental bandwidth (unfortunately C++ is one of those languages, so I know this problem well).
It seems like everybody forgot what Crockford was saying back then? He talked a lot about the failed ES4 project (which ironically Graydon Hoare was a part of (?)). And ES5 was very restrained as a result, and I think mostly successful.
It seemed this idea of restraint went completely out the door soon afterward, and nobody even remembers what was discussed 9 years ago. Crockford seems to have moved on (as well as Ryan Dahl). I haven't followed the JS language changes that closely, so I could be wrong, but I have the impression that it's completely changed.
I don't think I'm alone, as I remember that Bryan Cantrill recently said that "Brendan Eich never wrote a book about JS". In other words, the language was left without a founding philosophy. It's been an accretion of convenient features, some of which may be regretted in a couple years' time.
There was a Strange Loop talk about this too regarding the lack of history/culture in JS.
It seems like the same thing may have happened with Rust, since Graydon isn't an active contributor by his own admission.
Yeah, it definitely feels like ES6/7/Next is packed with features that theoretically make it a little faster to write code while making it monstrously slower and harder to read for at least 80% of practitioners... (destructuring comes to mind, with a syntax that is bafflingly similar to literal decs, that used to be the "good part") Seems like they made that choice every time.
I was reserving my thoughts about ES6 until I worked with it for a while, but now that I have, I have to say for those reasons you cited I don't like it as much as ES5.
"Confusing" is perhaps too harsh (although destructuring over several levels can be terribly confounding). By "hard to read" I mean primarily the fact that when you are "scanning" code, destructuring statements are syntactically way too similar to literal declarations. It severely degrades, IMHO, the speed with which you can effectively "scan" code in JS. It's not really that you _can't_ understand it when you slow down and analyze - it's that you _have to_ slow down to see the difference between "let a = [0,1]" and "let [,a] = [0,1]". Whereas in ES5, whenever you saw the brackets you could know without reading into the code there was an object or array being declared.
That's not to say that I think destructuring is all bad - it certainly saves lines of code - but aftet working with it for a few years, I would gladly trade it back for more scannable code, easier syntax for beginners, etc.
I'm not GP, but I believe they were referring to the fact that the syntax for destructuring is visually very similar to the syntax for object literals, which makes it easier to make mistakes while reading code in a hurry or as a newcomer to the language.
I was experimenting with server-side JS in 2009, before node.js was released, and I hacked on Brendan Eich's Narcissus interpreter, which gave me a good sense of the language.
Now when I look at example JavaScript code on the web, I invariably find something foreign. I'm not saying it's bad -- just foreign for somebody who uses the language only occasionally.
I don't believe JS should be a language only for "full-time JS programmers". I use 3 or 4 other languages regularly, so it's not nice when one language wants to hog my mental bandwidth (unfortunately C++ is one of those languages, so I know this problem well).
It seems like everybody forgot what Crockford was saying back then? He talked a lot about the failed ES4 project (which ironically Graydon Hoare was a part of (?)). And ES5 was very restrained as a result, and I think mostly successful.
It seemed this idea of restraint went completely out the door soon afterward, and nobody even remembers what was discussed 9 years ago. Crockford seems to have moved on (as well as Ryan Dahl). I haven't followed the JS language changes that closely, so I could be wrong, but I have the impression that it's completely changed.
I don't think I'm alone, as I remember that Bryan Cantrill recently said that "Brendan Eich never wrote a book about JS". In other words, the language was left without a founding philosophy. It's been an accretion of convenient features, some of which may be regretted in a couple years' time.
There was a Strange Loop talk about this too regarding the lack of history/culture in JS.
It seems like the same thing may have happened with Rust, since Graydon isn't an active contributor by his own admission.