Vim's command-line is more alien to the last 4 or 5 gui-bred younger generations of programmers. Learning to master it is therefore more of a badge of hounour, and for that, more sought-after, than learning to master Emacs.
Personally, I'd rather have Vim, but with Emacs-Lisp as a scripting language. That would rock.:x
> Personally, I'd rather have Vim, but with Emacs-Lisp as a scripting language
Vim does have a scheme language binding such that vimscript can call an embedded script written in scheme, and that scheme script can interface with vim. This is also the case for other languages like perl, python, ruby, tcl, and several other languages.
Vim's command-line is more alien to the last 4 or 5 gui-bred younger generations of programmers. Learning to master it is therefore more of a badge of hounour, and for that, more sought-after, than learning to master Emacs.
Personally, I'd rather have Vim, but with Emacs-Lisp as a scripting language. That would rock.:x