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> search engine it...

That is, go to google.com or DuckDuckGo.com and search for it...

I mean, open the browser, click on location bar (on the top) and write...

That is, if you are on Windows, click Start menu (which is now 4 rectangles),...

Nevermind... /s

I use Safari on macOS.

When I need to google a term, I highlight it, and then press ⌘C, ⌘T, ⌘V, enter. (Copy the search term, open a new tab, paste into url/search bar, search term)

I've gotten quite fast at the keyboard sequence; it takes maybe one second total. I imagine I could make this process even faster with a plugin, But I see no need.

I would like to think that most Windows machines would let you be similarly performant by default. But if not, that's further evidence in my book that Windows just sucks...

I will note that some acronyms can be annoyingly un-googlable, as the same one stands for a wide variety of different terms. This problem does not apply to ntp, however, which comes up right away.

Can't you just right click and search from the context menu, since you just highlighted the term so the pointer ought to be in the vicinity.

...y'know, I actually forgot that existed. IIRC, at one point, that opened a search in the current tab rather than a new one, so I got used to my little keyboard shortcut instead.

The behavior appears to have changed at some point, though, because it now opens searches in a new tab. I'll probably change my behavior now. Thanks for the reminder. ^_^

To downvoters: thanks, always appreciate that.

My point was that the OP can't guess their readers' level of knowledge, and it would be impossible for them to cater to all levels (as my attempt to explain searching... failed to show :-/) If readers don't know what NTP is, they should be able to either ignore the blog post or find the missing bits of their knowledge by themselves.

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