Youtube videos aren't exactly the best example of scholarly work. Look at the people who are respected by academics rather than trying to evaluate the contents of a field that you aren't trained in.
Please don’t jump to conclusions, I have looked at the actual research and also read the books. None of the common cited evidence for Jesus as a historical figure holds up to scrutiny. If you can give one example that can, it would help me a ton. I’d love to be wrong and understand Jesus as an actual historical figure.
I cannot verify it all right now, I'm more of a practical guy when it comes to Christinanity, but a few of the writers from the new testament were followers, and two (?) were his step (if you belive in it like me) brothers.
For a common bloke from 2000 years ago multiple written sources from people who met him first hand should count as pretty well documented.
I'm not saying you should believe everything they wrote (although I do) I'm just pointing out that the basic facts are very well documented given the circumstances.