Thanks. Although I was riffing off a long tradition of geeky humor ripping on clippy.
On a more serious note; a marketing service that put it's customers brands in front of people who didn't yet know that those products were what they were looking for would be an awesome startup from a business perspective and a somewhat creepy one from a human perspective.
Isn't that how a lot of internet advertising works anyway?
e.g. You're talking about medical condition X, therefore I shall try to sell you drug Y even if you don't mention Y or drugs at all in your search terms/blog post/etc. And I don't care if you even knew that drugs for X existed.
Looking at it now, it seems I described Google AdSense fairly well. Although I was thinking more along the lines of something that would insert itself into your social interactions, like Twitter sponsored tweets.
I see you're trying to break the tenets of science. Would you like to:
1. Learn why argument from authority is a fallacy?
2. See a list of 800 peer reviewed papers supporting skeptics?
3. Meet like-(non)-minded members who use stone age reasoning?
everything this bot links to is a fucking Youtube! video. They seem to think all the skeptics are from illiterate ADD iGeneration. I don't have time to sit through a bunch of blipverts.
On the one hand the idea of a reverse search engine is somewhat appealing, on the other hand; it's Clippy for the internet.
""" I see you're trying to deny global warming. Would you like to: