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Surely no, not at least in the United States.

Are we really going to talk about the internet as though it made all the difference? We're going to forget about:

- The military industrial complex, the backlash against their never-ending wargames and the complete betrayal of American values through the PATRIOT Act

- Legalized bribery via lobbying and Citizens United

- 5 conglomerates controlling all old (but still very relevant) media

- The many great heists of the people's wealth in the form of:

1. Offshoring jobs while diluting public education

2. Tearing up public transport and forcing dependency on a substance that compromises us morally

3. The 2008 bailouts that left the little man to die in a gutter

The old guard entrenched themselves more and more, robbed the people of hope, and gutted the nation's dignity. Now they are co-opting the bloodlust of a humiliated people towards their own advantage.

This times a million. All these attempts to blame the internet/social media/fake news/whatever for authoritarianism are attempts by those in power to avoid accepting that they screwed up and now they're paying the price (along with society as a whole).

It also wreaks of them thinking that trying to censor the population will make these problems go away, when the truth is that until the current system is replaced or fixed, things will get worse and worse until it crumbles entirely.


What I took away from Adam Curtis's film HyperNormalisation is that the internet didn't cause these issues, but it is to blame for us not being able to do anything about it.

Don't forget the ludicrous gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement ("anti-fraud") laws.

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