Yes, when I finally have free time, I'll spend some of it to write a reasonably good implementation of Org Mode data model in Typescript, and maybe in something else, to help making Org Mode support painless everywhere, like Markdown now.
I really wish I was a better, more focused, coder to be able to help such efforts. It would benefit me to really learn Typescript deeply, since many of my employer's projects are written in it. Me = Sysadmin/Devops = jack of all trades, master of none.
I make lists. Lists (and a planner I mostly ignore) keep my on track. The "Get(ting) Things Done" method is, in some ways, making lists. Maybe that could help?
That, and pacing myself during mentally intensive tasks. I do 25 on, 10 off (more than pomodoro, because my brain). This works really well for me. You may have to adjust the variables to make it work well for you.