We abhor the idea of being irradiated by machines that have not had decades of testing, regardless of quantity. We are uncomfortable with a stranger viewing our genitals, or the genitals of our children. We are appalled that the alternative is to subject children and adults alike to groping of our private areas. We believe that the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution is being abandoned.
Michael Roberts protested to a TSA agent: "at this point I'm more concerned with the greater threat to our rights and liberties as a free society."
"Yeah, I know," replied the TSA agent, "But somebody's already taken those away."
I reject that reality and replace it with Michael's:
"I cannot consent to nor accept unwelcome physical contact any more than having images of my naked body being viewed by government personnel as a routine part of my daily commute to work. If I'm not under arrest or a suspect in some known threat to air transportation security, the [federal law-enforcement officers] have no grounds to invade my privacy and personal space in this way. It is an outrage beyond any measure of reason, an assault on liberty, a gross overreaching of the state, and a very significant step on the road back to the sort of tyranny many of our forbears and the founders of this society fought and often died to escape and abolish."
On November 15th, 2010, I will choose not to be subjected to radiation. I will choose not to have my privacy invaded. I will choose not to be subjected to an invasive, humiliating search. November 15th is the day that I take back my right not to be searched without a warrant for probable cause. On November 15th, I will arrive at the airport earlier than required and say, "I opt out."
I shall not sacrifice liberty for security.
If you are travelling on November 15th, I ask that you add your voice to mine.