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Show HN: QA DDT – Selenium Data-Driven-Tests as a Service (doorzz.com)
8 points by evgy on Nov 28, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

If you are interested in using our service, you can read here - https://github.com/freaker2k7/ui-data-driven-tests - how to write tests, and here - https://qa.doorzz.com/api.html - how to use our API.

Our pricing is very simple - https://qa.doorzz.com/pricing.html - but if you're a big enterprise and willing to use our service in high volume, please contact me at cto@doorzz.com

Furthermore, we can even write all the UI tests for you at an incredible paste and very low cost.

Is anyone interested in co-operation ?

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