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Ask HN: Imagine you were set for life. How would you spend the next ten years?
7 points by oldboyFX on Nov 24, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Still Coding - I would of course work much more family friendly hours with lots of mini breaks, but you would Still find me coding, specifically OSS GovTech. (My theory is that software has tramlines in it - software written for democratic societies will inevitably leak democratic assumptions even when used by other states (who presumably will pick it up cos of free beer not free speech) see www.oss4gov.org

For many of the past 6 years, I actually had the freedom to do what I wanted and I naturally gravitated back to software development, so that's where I will spend most of my time - likely working on open-source libraries and utilities to help other developers.

I would, of course, structure my days differently and work fewer hours.

Other than that I'd also use the time to take courses about topics and learning skills outside of my typical areas of interest to build up a broader knowledge base.

I've identified several pieces of software that i'd like to black-box port to other OSs - mainly in the sound system configuration sphere. Not the at-home systems, the gigs and theater/school/town hall stuff crazy networking protocols, etc. Primarily to Linux/RasPi Ports.

I would continue my consulting work, put some time into writing a textbook and take up a new passionate project, probably something with an educational twist.

It would involve teaching (probably Statistics) and a lot of Meditation.

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