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Reverse Engineering Pokémon Go Plus (tinyhack.com)
71 points by Aissen on Nov 21, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Very interesting. I didn't know that Pokemon Go now had a companion device.

Referring to Pokemon Go Plus as PGP past the first few paragraphs of the write-up became confusing real fast, though.

There's already a commercial product based on a reverse engineered Go Plus - the Go-tcha (https://www.go-tcha.co.uk/). It's based on some kind of fitness band chip.

Yes, but there hasn't been anything open source since the release of the device in 2016. There were a lot of people starting DIY Pokemon GO plus device, but all of them were stumped by the certification protocol.

Now we can build a clone using anything that supports emulating a BLE peripheral (Pi Zero W, ESP32, etc)

And, it's mentionned, multiple times, in the article: it's the Datel device.

I'm surprised (and maybe somewhat... relieved?) that the protection isn't that hard --- e.g. they could've made this far harder with something based on ISO 7816, and yet not increase the cost much.

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