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Transitioning from Video to Physical Game Development: An Education (2014) (ryancreighton.com)
34 points by wallflower on Nov 12, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Is it a board game?

I live in a dense urban area and there's a escape room place on my very street, a two-minute walk. But we're a couple with no kids and very few friends, so I don't know if we'd be able to experience the fun in that by ourselves.

Try it! I’ve done a few with my SO and we’ve had a great time. Most around here aren’t going to be very young kid friendly anyways- they require a lot of complex reasoning and spending time in a small space.

This is answered in the second paragraph of the article, so it seems like a waste to ask it here.

I thought escape room might be some board game genre.

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