"What the group considers to be dickish WILL change. Even if a group agrees now, all groups change over time (even if the members stay the same their environment definitely doesn’t)."
It's interesting how we adapt our sense of normal based on consensus even within the smallest of groups. If you have a team of 5, and 2 are replaced, the dynamic for the remaining 3 changes based not only on how they individually interact with the new people but also with how the incumbents as a whole interact with the new people.
If A,B,C interact with D,E. Then A's relationship with D also depends on the interactions between BD, BE, CD, and CE
Whilst it's less obviously impactful, I think it's important to note that it doesn't have to be a whole person-swap though. Group dynamics can change over time as the people in it have different life-events, hit different points in their career-path etc. That change can then go and have exactly the same kind of effect that you outline, without any people-swaps.
It's interesting how we adapt our sense of normal based on consensus even within the smallest of groups. If you have a team of 5, and 2 are replaced, the dynamic for the remaining 3 changes based not only on how they individually interact with the new people but also with how the incumbents as a whole interact with the new people.
If A,B,C interact with D,E. Then A's relationship with D also depends on the interactions between BD, BE, CD, and CE