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The typical way to pick a name for a language is to choose a dead mathematician who is obscure enough that only mathematicians are familiar with his name (so, no Aristophanes, Euler, or Godel) & who hasn't already had a language named after him. (This worked for Erlang, Church, Haskell, Ada, and a whole host of others.)

Another popular way is to take a term from mathematics & misspell it. (See: Clojure, Clozure.)

Languages that are derived from other languages often have themed names -- for instance, the various javascript preprocessors have mostly coffee-flavored names, brainfuck derivatives usually include either "brain" or "fuck" in their names, and befunge derivatives usually end with "funge".

Sometimes, languages are named after imperative verbs (such as the approximately 3 languages called 'go') or arbitrary physical objects (Rust, Elm). Language-themed language names are popular, too (LISP, SmallTalk, Guile).

Languages I've made have been named after fictional characters (MYCROFT, named after the computer from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, himself named after Mycroft Holmes), authors (WILSON, named after Robert Anton Wilson), and descriptive acronyms (GG, the language compiled by GGC, is for generative grammars).

Anarchy is a pretty loaded term (and I say that as an anarchist); chances are you'll turn off a lot of people with that name.

I'd go with the matematician, Cardano. > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerolamo_Cardano

I wouldn't go with the one with a cryptocurrency named after him.

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