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>perhaps your feature request wasn’t deemed to be thought out enough?

Why the automatic defense of the Haxe team? Frankly, small communities like this sometimes come across as cult-like in their response to criticism, and it isn't a good look.

Here's the proposal in question: https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe-evolution/pull/51

Here's the process which wasn't followed: https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe-evolution. Very little discussion, no public vote, even though the proposer put in the effort and clearly wanted to engage.

When someone puts in the effort to make a proposal like this, this bait and switch is not a way to keep them around, and insulting them in HN comments isn't any better.

Where’s the insult? I can’t speak for the community or who did what. If anything I’m looking to see what can be done going forward.

To quote you again:

>perhaps your feature request wasn’t deemed to be thought out enough?

Why jump to finding fault with the OP, rather than accepting feedback about the process? AFAICT you didn't actually check OP's proposal before assuming it was lacking. And OP's experience isn't unique.

You're evangelizing Haxe in this thread, but here you just paper over valid criticism:

- "arrow functions are slated for the next major release": sure, it only took four years!

- "I also think most languages’ directions are decided by committee in a similar way": I'm not aware of any other language that has a proposal process inviting community participation, but doesn't follow it and discusses those proposals in private. Point me to one. Surely you can understand that this can be frustrating when someone tries to participate and is shut out.

- "I’m sure the Haxe community would love to see examples..."

I would be pleasantly surprised if I saw the Haxe Foundation engage in some introspection and actually take steps to change or at least be more transparent. So far I don't see any introspection, only defensiveness.

And FWIW, I used to be part of that internal Slack channel for team members and was a Haxe contributor. I tried to make progress on these issues for years before giving up.

I’m sorry if I’ve come off defensive or as finding fault. I’m not trying to defend the action, merely trying to gauge the entire situation. There’s reason for why I used the word perhaps and asked for more info. If the process is as bad as it is from what you and others are saying, I’d love to hear more about the efforts made to fix the process and details on where/ why you think they didn’t pan out? Is it a problem with the leadership? Something else?

I do evangelize the language and have not myself run into these issues as of yet. If they do exist my hope is also to have them resolved, not to justify them away and keep the status quo.

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