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Whoever is higher on the dominance hierarchy gets to subject others to their opinions. On HN it's a non issue

And for the record GATTACA is the story of a misguided insufferable asshole violating regulations and probably getting his entire team killed 5 minutes after the movie ends due to his heart condition.

> Whoever is higher on the dominance hierarchy gets to subject others to their opinions.

That's a bizarre statement in the modern world. In the modern world, we vote on whose opinion carries the day, and that is only in the unusual cases where government has power in the matter (because we have freedom and civil rights).

Our governments have moved to democratic republics, for the most part, but our workplaces are still generally heirarchies and feudalism. I see what he is saying. I see what your point is though, I think. Even in heirarchies, we are supposed to have freedom.

I very much want to experiment with cooperatives, and things like https://pol.is/home

So when the captain of the football team flushes your head down the toilet, you'll be happy to listen to his alpha male opinion of why geeks should know their omega male place?

Only if you use non sequitur arguments, and the football team captain's name was Albert Einstein.

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