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Ask HN: Why can't I “favorite” a recent post?
4 points by chrisweekly on Oct 16, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
The "favorite" link is misbehaving.

Expected: Navigate to "favorites" page, with the just-favorited post pushed to the top.

Actual: Navigate to "favorites" page, with no change to the (previously-favorited) list.

Thinking I might have hit some limit, I deleted one of my 403 favorites, to no avail.

Is it just me? Or maybe a transient HN issue that's failing silently?

Ironically, the post I was trying to favorite is about Polar, a personal knowledge-base tool -- which is likely a better way to save interesting things than relying on HN favorites in the 1st place! Hmm, could be an interesting feature to integrate into Polar....

Could you please try again from a fresh page? A likely possibility is that you had a page with stale auth parameters after an application server restart. You can reach us at hn@ycombinator.com to troubleshoot further.

Thanks; the issue went away after a few hours.

Well, I for one have somewhat over 500 favorite posts and I can still see the "favorite" flag under your post, so maybe try contacting the admins.

Almost reads like viral marketing for a personal-knowledge-base tool.

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