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That's a little harsh, perhaps.

The legacy of be blical stories is far deeper tham dogma. The other day, i watched a (very sacreligious) cartoon (castlelvania e1). In it, Dracula's wife is burned at the stake for witchraft, by the church. On her way out, she calls out to dracula. "Forgive them! Don't take vengence. They don't know what you're doing."

This is exactly what the author is talking about. The dogma isn't there. If the scene was boring or banal it wouldn't have been recreated in the cartoon.

Still, its a reference everone gets, and the metaphor is extremely deep.


Seems like you just wanted to excuse to talk about how stupid people and barbarism are the only reason we still have religion. There’s a less obnoxious version of that argument I tend to agree with, but I don’t see how it’s relevant here. Can’t we have a nice thread talking about the importance of stories and how they transcend time without turning it into a political shit-flinging contest?

(That said, the equivalence the other poster is suggesting is stupid.)

You are right, we went off on a tangent here after an equivalence was made between the Iliad and other ancient tales which tend to belong more to the "dogmatic" category and have a different modern audience.

The Iliad is a marvelous tale that I have enjoyed reading since childhood. Western Civilization owes a lot to such stories as they tend to inspire people at an individual level.

:thumbs-up: Thanks for being civil :)

Replace bible with quran, and savages with "savages from the US south" and you have an equally repugnant statement (with the same level of whatever accuracy exists there.)

Extremist fanaticism exists in all religions - and your garbage xenophobic bigotry doesn't belong on HN.

Your claim about savages, just like mine is true. Hence they both belong on HN.

Ok, why don’t you go ahead and put two YouTube videos up: one of you burning a Bible, one of you burning a Quran. We’ll see which one gets you into more trouble :)

(Note: please don’t actually do this, you would be putting yourself into mortal peril for the rest of your life)

I don't need to put up any videos, there's plenty of LGBTQ videos on Youtube that get death threats from Christians daily.

You want to believe that there is no christian extremism, go right ahead. You're just wrong.

Well, in our modern world, we still face passionate denunciation of women and people hating on gays Etc because someone wrote something thousand of years ago. So it's okay though point out problems with these originalist documents.

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