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A poor one at that. I don't understand why they couldn't make the Deb packages portable to a containerized format, where all the work has already been done. They'd be much better off automating the package build process instead of creating a new format for package maintainers that doesn't align with Debian.

At least Arch and Alpine has a simple and human readable PKGBUILD format that only takes 15 minutes to understand and update your own packages. They have up-to-date packages for pretty much everything, even though Debian and Ubuntu have been around longer.

I'm all for containerizing a Linux distro, and think it is a great idea, but Canonical hasn't exactly proven to be the best at this. Right before Ian Murdock passed while working at Docker, he didn't have many positive things to say about Canonical and their leadership. Most reviews on Glassdoor also talk about the poor leadership there. Therefore I see no reason to use Snap at this time.

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